
What is a Wart?

A wart is a lumpy, bumpy skin lesion caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These bumps frequently happen on the hands and feet but may appear anywhere on the body. Typically, they are elevated and rough and may have a distinctive design on the exterior. Typical warts are skin-coloured and feel rough to the touch, but they can also appear black and smooth or have a cauliflower-like texture. Warts are usually harmless and often disappear without treatment. 

What are the Symptoms of a Wart?

  • Visible bumps or growth on the skin, often shaped like a dome  
  • Rough, grainy texture 
  • Possible black spots in the center of the wart 
  • Itching or discomfort in the area 
  • Often grow on hands and feet but also appear elsewhere
  • They can be transmitted to other areas of the body, as well as to other humans and animals.

What Causes a Wart to Develop? 

 Warts are made by a specific strain of human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV attacks the outside layer of the skin and encourages it to develop speedily, resulting in a wart. The virus can typically be passed on by close contact with someone with a wart or by coming into contact with surfaces containing the virus.

Understanding the Most Common Types of Warts

Many different types of warts can affect the skin. These are brought about by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are typically visible as bumps or protrusions on the skin.

Listed below, are the most common types of warts, though many other types can affect the skin. To guarantee a correct diagnosis and cure, it is vital to talk to a podiatrist if you notice any unusual bumps or increases on the skin.

  • Common warts, also known as ‘verruca vulgaris, are the most common type of warts found mainly on the hands, fingers and face. They are typically small, flesh-coloured bumps with a rough surface. Common warts are spread through direct contact with a person with the virus and are easily spread in areas with many people. 
  • Plantar warts, also known as ‘verruca plantar, usually appear on the soles of the feet. They have a similar texture to common warts and are usually gray-brown. They are spread through direct contact with the virus and often spread by walking barefoot in public places. 
  • Flat warts, also known as ‘verruca plana’, are found mainly on the face, neck and hands. They are much flatter than other types of warts and are lighter in color. They are usually spread through direct contact with the virus and can spread quickly in areas with many people. 
  • Filiform warts, also known as ‘verruca filiform, tend to grow in clusters and appear mainly on the face, neck, armpits, eyelids and lips. They are usually thin and long and may have a bumpy surface. 
  • Genital warts, also known as ‘condylomata acuminate, tend to be found in the genital or anal areas. They can be different colors and may be raised or flat. They are highly contagious and can be spread through sexual contact. 

Discover How to Avoid Unwanted Warts

  1. Wash your hands regularly. Warts are caused by a virus that transmits by contact with surfaces with the virus on them, including human skin. Cleaning your hands with soap and warm water helps decrease the probability of picking up the virus that causes warts.
  2. Avoid touching any warts you find. If you discover a wart, don't touch it. Warts are very infectious, so it is possible that you can accidentally transfer the virus to additional parts of your own body or another person.
  3. Don't share personal items. As warts can be caused by the virus that spreads through contact, avoid sharing items such as towels and razors with other people. 
  4. Wear protective clothing when engaging in activities that may put you at risk for warts, such as swimming, and wear shoes, socks and waterproof gloves to protect your feet and hands from the virus. 
  5. Get treatment. If you develop a wart, seek treatment from a podiatrist, who may be able to recommend treatment options. 

Minimizing Wart Pain

Wart pain can be very uncomfortable and caused by the virus that causes warts. To minimize wart pain, there are several steps you can take. 

  1. Keep the area clean and dry. Keeping the area clean and dry helps to prevent infection. Use an antibacterial soap and warm (not hot) water to clean the area. Pat the area dry after cleaning. Keeping the area clean and dry also helps reduce wart pain. 
  2. Apply an over-the-counter wart medication. Wart medications are available to help reduce the pain and size of warts. Follow the instructions on the package to use the product correctly. 
  3. Try a home remedy, such as a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and then apply it to the wart a few times daily. 
  4. See your podiatrist if the pain becomes unbearable. If the pain associated with warts is too uncomfortable to manage, you may need to see your podiatrist to discuss treatment options.

Wart Risk Factors

  • Exposure to the human papillomavirus (HPV) 
  • Coming into contact with someone who has a wart
  • Sharing objects, such as towels or razors, that have come into contact with a wart 
  • Holding damp towels or using damp public swimming pools or showers 
  • A minor injury to the skin, like a manicure or pedicure, or skin scrapes.
  • Having a weak immune system due to medical conditions, such as HIV, or immune-suppressing medications (such as anti-rejection drugs taken after an organ transplant) 
  • Having open wounds due to psoriasis or an autoimmune disorder such as lupus 
  • Being overweight and sweating excessively or having skin folds or areas of skin rubbing against skin 
  • Having atopic dermatitis, asthma, allergies, or other conditions that cause an impaired immune system

Diet and Warts

There is no scientific evidence that any particular type of diet can prevent or treat warts. A virus causes warts and is most effectively treated with medications or procedures, such as cryotherapy and freezing them off. While vitamins and minerals may play a role in the body's ability to fight infection, it is important to speak to a podiatrist before changing a diet or supplement regimen.

Planning Your Next Visit

Our people at Greenberg Podiatry in Ottawa are dedicated to giving top-class and considerate treatment. We take satisfaction in being informed about the newest treatments so our customers can maintain an active lifestyle and care for their physical health. We aim to address current disturbances and foresee future difficulties before they start. We go further than conventional healthcare solutions to ensure you obtain the finest possible care.

Benefit from Greenberg Podiatry's special guidance now! Several simple steps could drastically enhance your wellbeing.